Saturday, April 4, 2015

World 4: The One with the Warp Zone

A blog post about vlogging: A love/hate relationship

In order to efficiently produce more vlogs, I've decided to skip ahead in my vlog timeline. A decision that was hard to make, because you all know how much I appreciate continuity and integrity. The thinking behind this is as follows:

  • As the trip progressed, I learned how to better vlog "in the moment," which enables me to not spend SO MUCH TIME recording videos after the fact and then piecing them together with earlier footage - which, in turn, helps make editing 1000 times faster.
  • Don't worry, I am still working on the older vlogs, but those take FAR longer to edit than the more recent footage.
  • I just want to update more frequently...which is easier to do when I'm not having to interview myself about something that happened 5 months ago. :)
So, there you have it! Hopefully this will mean more vlogs! :crosses my fingers that this is true: