Friday, January 23, 2015

Passion Project: Song #1

"Easy" by The Commodores

If you read my first blog post, you will know why this song HAD to be the first song. It was inevitable. This song was the first song that played, in the cab ride, after arriving at our first destination - Lima, Peru.

However, what you don't know, is that several songs were in the running for very first Passion Project song! But, this song won and here's why.

A Little History

Just like smell, listening to music can evoke very specific memories for me (as it can, I'm sure, for most people). Listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra will always remind me of my Dad, any song by Dave Matthews Band will instantly turn me into zen!Heather, and, from now on, "Baby Got Back" will make me think of wine tasting in Chile.

My first memory of Lionel Richie is from D-TV's Valentine's Special, which aired in February of 1986. (I had to look up the year because of course I did, I wasn't even 5 years old yet!) Abby and Melissa will remember this! They had it on VHS and we used to watch it ALL THE TIME when we were kids! It was a compilation of music videos, using hit songs and Disney animation. In a word - AMAZING! While the Richie song in D-TV wasn't "Easy" (it was "Hello"), I would never forget his smooth, rich (hehe) voice. (That pun was for you, Katie!)

I really have no memory of the first time that I heard "Easy," but I've always enjoyed it and the various bands that have covered it - I'm talking about you, Faith No More. Yes, it's a song about the aftermath of a breakup, but I think the message is a good one - Put all your concerns and anxieties and fears in a bubble, and blow it away. Relax, take it easy - metaphorically become a Sunday morning. This song makes me want to curl up on the couch on a rainy Sunday morning, with the sunlight barely peeking through the clouds in the distance, while reading a book and drinking my first cup of morning coffee. (It also makes me want to dance around my living room, but, let's face it, most songs make me want to do that, so...)

Why This Song, Though?

Last week, we were sitting at a table, waiting to board the boat that would take us snorkeling, and music was playing in the background. Typical, touristy, covers of popular songs with a samba-like twist. I was thinking about my Passion Project, how it was going to evolve, and what songs to consider, when "Easy" came to mind. Not a minute later, a samba cover of "Easy" started playing and I knew that it had to be the first song on the list.

So, here you go!
